(支持青年創業活動) E2 Day 2016 (2016-04-23)



Got an innovative solution for a social problem? Wanna win big prizes and get famous? If you are a change-maker, join E2 Day 2016 now!

E2 is the first ‘Tech x Social’ platform in Hong Kong which aims at facilitating the exchange of ideas of startups, dreamers and innovators from different sectors (such as technology and social enterprise) in creating innovative products or services to solve social problems. Recently, ‘Tech X Social’ is the most engaged integration in Asia and Hogn Kong; many projects are related to this crossover.


E2 Day is the major event of E2 and it has 2 sections. The first section is ‘insight sharing’ in which experts and experienced entrepreneurs from tech and social sectors would share their experience and insights about the crossover of tech and social. The second section is ‘pitching’ in which change-makers and entrepreneurs would pitch their startup ideas, products and services in front of audience including government officials, investors and insiders from tech and social sectors.


This year, E2 Day 2016 is part of IT Fest 2016 and will be held in April! Fill in our form (downloadable from www.e2x.org) to enter the pitching or register at www.e2x.org or Eventbrite to experience this inspiring and meaningful event. Stay tuned with us for more pitching details (awardsss!) and latest update (speakersss!).



各位Change-makers!想sell新「橋」、推變革、嬴大獎、響名堂?識玩,一定係玩E2 Day 2016!

E2是全港首個「科技X社會」的跨界創新平台,旨在鼓勵來自科技、社企等不同領域的創新家、夢想家和企業家,共同創造跨界創新的理念和產品,成就影響社會的「科技X 社會」創業!


E2 Day (「跨界‧創新日」)是E2的重點活動,分兩個環節。第一環節是「分享交流」,科技界和社企界的專家和經驗人士會分享他們對跨界創新和合作的真知卓見和經驗;第二環節是「Pitching」(創投提案競賽),不同「科技X社會」領域的初創團隊和創業家俱可參賽,推介和較量他們的創新理念、產品和業務模式。


今年,E2 Day 2016是本港年度大型創科盛事IT Fest 2016活動之一,並即將在4月舉行。有料有「橋」嘅你,仲唔快D報名參賽?請即上 www.e2x.org填form,同埋留意番獎項嘅最新資訊啦!想聽聽業界新「橋」嘅你,請即上www.e2x.org或Eventbrite報名留座!機會難得,萬勿錯過!




Event Information

Date: April 23rd, 2015  (Saturday)

Time: 2pm – 7pm

Venue: Chamber 2A&B, InnoCentre  72 Tat Chee Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon


More details: http://www.e2x.org/e2-april-2016




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